The board of directors is responsible for the day-to-day operations and long-term strategies of any organisation, regardless of whether it is either a nonprofit or a commercial. It is the entity which has a fiduciary obligation to shareholders and other stakeholders.
The board oversees and selects the chief executive, and also the other management personnel. The board also decides on major changes to the direction of a business. The board also provides advice to the CEO and the other executives about strategic goals and capital allocation. It also provides guidance on legal issues and risk management, as it is legally responsible for the highest-level decisions of the company.
It is essential for board members to adhere to the principles of collaboration and communication which can help build trust and assure high-quality decision making. Board members must have experience in governance as well as leadership. It is also crucial that the board members represent the company’s customers by having a mix of races, genders and ages, as well a geographical diversity.
The board members should be capable of committing an extensive amount of time. In the past few decades board members have reported spending more time working on their roles. Therefore, it is essential that when choosing board members, organizations take the time to assess the candidates thoroughly. This may include a formal orientation that helps new directors get a clear picture of the mission, overview and the background of the company they will be serving on the board.